Contact us

In order to make a report, please make use of one of the following mediums:

Email address: Click here
Global corporate pay phone line: +2731 571 5301
Free call numbers: 0800 847 633 (Only applicable to South Africa.)
Free post: Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous, Free post, KZN 138, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
(To which you can mail letters and other relevant documentation within South Africa.)
Pay post: Deloitte Tip-offs Anonymous, PO Box 774, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320, South Africa
(To which you can mail letters and other relevant documentation globally.)
Free Fax: 0800 00 77 88 (Only applicable to South Africa.)
Pay fax: +2731 560 7395 (Globally.)

For all business related queries, please feel free to contact the following people:

Gregory Rammego Whistleblower; whistle-blower; whistle blower; whistle-blowing; whistle blowing; tip-off; tip off; report fraud; fraud; report corruption; corruption; report theft; theft; report bribery; bribery; report unethical behaviour; unethical behaviour; report unethical behavior; unethical behavior; report sexual harassment; sexual harassment; ethics; ethics hotline; ethics line; open line; openline; open-line; hotline;

Risk Advisory
